As we enter the new year, we reflect on the hard battles we’ve fought and the significant victories we’ve won for all our colleagues. At every turn, we’ve made it clear that our demands are just, and we will not stop until we achieve them.

The company is well aware that permanent contracts and raises for everyone are the minimum standards for a company that ranks at the top of the global market in terms of profitability. However, management has responded with layoffs and an intention to dismantle our Union. This couldn’t be further from the truth!

We’ve all declared enough is enough, and there’s no turning back. We conveyed this to the company that serves the biggest multinationals and prides itself on being the best place to work.

We respond with facts:

On the list of those laid off by the company:

  • A mother in a single-parent family with a disabled child who participated in the Paralympics and was “honored” by the state.
  • A father with over 67% disability, with two children and a permanent contract, who was denied a transfer to another department and had his contract terminated without justification or compensation. There are many similar cases.
  • Dozens of parents with young children or pregnant women who received the gift of unemployment from the company.
  • Hundreds of people who do not know how they will manage to pay the rent and electricity. Many of them were even sparing these expenses for the company by working from home, thereby increasing the company’s profits to unimaginable heights.

The exposure of these facts and our actions against these policies trouble them and put militant workers in their crosshairs. It bothers them that no one is alone anymore, that we are all united and demanding what we deserve for a better life. They see their employees as submissive numbers, silent when fired today, and pay them a ticket to send them home. They give them two days to vacate the rooms “provided by the company to employees, putting Chania dynamically on the attractive job map.” These rooms, which employees pay for through direct deductions of 400 euros from their salaries, charge them 40 cents per kilowatt hour, without even providing access to the meters.

We will not take a single step back!

Our struggle concerns 13,000 workers and extends beyond them to all call center workers, all workers fighting for the signing of collective agreements, for rights, and for raises that can cover ever-increasing costs.

Our strike on 23/12 and the overwhelming participation of our colleagues, along with the solidarity expressed by Federations, Labour Centres, Unions, and Organizations in Greece and abroad, give us the push to continue our struggle until victory!

We demand:

  • The immediate transfer of all colleagues to other projects and the immediate rehiring of all our colleagues.
  • The immediate signing of a Collective Labour Agreement, with permanent contracts and substantial raises for all!

We call for

  • Board Meeting on Sunday, 05/01, at 18.00 at the Labour Centre of Piraeus
  • Labour Inspection of Pireas, on 9/01 at 10.00, when the trade union dismissals are discussed

Happy Militant 2025!

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