The Union of Teleperformance Workers SETEP strongly denounces the long standing practice of Teleperformance to withold 8 bank holidays per year from the majority of its workforce. On the one hand they are forcing us to work during most national holidays with the absurd argument that our work is 24/7 and similar to a hospital and cannot stop even when the lines are closed.

On the other hand they are declaring the rest of the national holidays as normal day off or even worst annual paid leave!

As confirmed by the Labour Inspection of Pireas, only working days can be included in the annual paid leave (par. 1 and 3 of art. 2 of 539/45).

Sundays, bank holidays and sick days that fall within the annual leave period are not included. Therefore, any worker who has been obliged to take an annual paid leave during nationally declared holidays on December 25th and 26th and January 1st and 6th, should ask the management to change his schedule in Ergani and declare them as national holidays.

Any employee who is given a day off and not an “extra day off-code 99” during national holidays should demand his schedule to be changed so that his 2 days off during the week do not coinside with the national holiday.In case the management refuses to comply, we urge the colleagues to contact the union with a screenshot of their schedule at so that we proceed with this matter with all legal means until it ends once and for all.

In addition, it was announced that each employee working on national holidays would receive a 20-euro BOX voucher per holiday worked, with a maximum of two vouchers per employee. Even this committment which was aimed to shoften the blow that the management is taking away our national holidays, has yet not been provided to the workers.

We demand an immediate provision of this announced benefit.

SETEP stands firmly with all employees in ensuring that their rights and promised benefits are upheld.

We will continue to advocate for fair treatment and recognition of the dedication and hard work shown by all employees, especially during the holiday season, working whilst their family and children are celebrating social events without them.

SETEP denounces the illegal practice of Teleperformance in not respecting the bank holidays

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