Following the first meeting of the President of SETIP and the President of SETEP with the Minister’s office and following the commitment to look into the matter and after the Union submitted the details requested, we have not yet been given any response to our fair demands.

The retraction by the Ministry of Immigration in Parliament regarding not changing the status of the special purpose visa to a visa with revocation, as provided for in the draft law, is not good enough for us! We continue our struggle and call for a new demonstration at the Ministry of Immigration!

For years the big call centre multinationals have been exploiting the anti-labour laws of the EU and governments to blackmail immigrant workers with the application of the special purpose visa, which is in fact a modern form of slavery for thousands of our colleagues.

On the day against the Racism and Discrimination that flourishes in this profit-seeking system, we are there fighting until this rotten regime is changed.

All in the fight, no one alone!

Everyone at the rally on Thursday 21 March at 18.30 at the Ministry of Immigration, 196-198 Thivon Street, 182 33 Agios Ioannis Rentis.

Everyone at the gathering on Thursday 21 March at 18.30 at the Ministry of Immigration

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