We continue the fight! Everyone on the 24-hour strike on 27/5!
Colleagues with our struggle we have already achieved the first victories, but the company continues in its usual way to increase its profits.
It proceeds with downsizing, very high targets that are not reached, daily layoffs, forcing colleagues to resign due to the high intensification. At the same time, for
most of us, the salary we receive is not even half a month and all this is done to
pocket more profits.
While the company is doing everything to delay the negotiation of a collective agreement, puts a wall to our fair demands, wants to limit our action, tries to have us isolated, not to discuss, not to fight, we show them that they cannot achieve this! We now have our union, we are organized and we are not going to let any boss shut us up.
We respond to all of this with 24hour strike on May 27 and a meeting on the same day, to discuss how we will proceed further, depending on the union’s response to our demands, until then, as decided at the General Assembly of the union.
We are organizing a Solidarity Party on 31/5 to support our struggle! For more colleagues to join the fight, so that no one is left alone, until the final victory!
To the pressure and the attempt of intimidation by Teleperformance, we respond with a stronger Teleperformance Workers Union! We are all helping to bring in hundreds of new members in the coming days! We support the union’s actions, the massive tours of the union in all buildings, the union’s meetings with all departments (a detailed schedule will be announced on the union’s website).
We demand a Collective Labour Agreement with 20% increase for all directly, absorption of all colleagues in time in another department, no one remains unpaid, unemployed!
We are united, no one is alone! Together we strengthen our struggle!
Our demands are just, we will achieve them, we will win!