Our strike has been massive! Our struggle has been heroic!
On the one side, we had thousands of stories of intimidation, unfair and illegal treatment, mobbing and on the other side a proud dignified courageous and class-oriented uprising of workers. Our 5th Round of Strike solidified our determination and our commitment in the struggle for our fair demands under a guaranteed collective agreement with significant pay rises and workers rights.
The Teleperformance Owners and Top Management should take it well into consideration that our movement is here to stay. Our movement is set to accomplish real changes for our working and living conditions. They should stop delaying, implement crisis strategies, divisive methods and scare tactics and actually implement their legal obligations for trade union liberties, physical and online ways of communication of SETEP with all workers in TP.
We call for Teleperformance to set a date for the beginning of negotiations within the next week, based on our 5page draft collective agreement that has been approved by the open meetings of workers. Every worker needs to have it clear that any counter-offer by Teleperformance will be discussed and approved by the General Assembly, were all members of SETEP have the right to participate and vote.
Therefore, we are enrolling to be members of SETEP across all departments by filling in the registration form on the website. We will make our union massive, we register to be candidates in the elections to strengthen our union, we participate in the forthcoming elections to elect our representatives in the board whilst we continue organizing with all means and forms for our demands under the same open, democratic and fraternal spirit. Our power lays in our class unity and the core belief that the working people produce the wealth and should be able to enjoy the fruit of their labour against the profits of the few. Our power lies in the certainty, that when the masses rise believing in their strength, there is no other way than victory.
Our strikes have shaken Teleperformance, are followed by the companies in Greece and globally, are inspiring workers and trade unions in telecommunications and other sectors locally and internationally. We know that the top management has lost their sleep. We promise to give them more sleepless nights until our demands are met.
The General Assembly of SETEP has already called the workers of Teleperformance all around Greece to participate in the next Strike on the 1st of May, the International Workers Day, despite the Greek Government’s tricks to move the Bank Holiday on the 7th of May. We are proud children of our people from all countries of the world, we are proud workers, we are fighters for our dignity and lives. We are brothers and sisters fighting as one another despite speaking different languages, having different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. We honor the dead of our class. We honor their struggles and victories which achieved every right we are enjoying today. We continue on their path, building a strong workers movement, victoriously.
1st May is not a Bank Holiday its a Strike Day!
24 hour Strike from 00:00-00:00 in Teleperformance for all workers in Greece.Strike protest at TP Building in Gravias at 08:00 and participation in the May Day Demonstrations around Greece as well as Pireus for those living in Attica.
Depending on the response of Teleperformance in the following days, the Board will meet in an open meeting for all workers of Teleperformance in Greece and discuss of further actions if necessary.