Everyone at the Meeting of the Teleperformance Employees’ Union, Sunday 19/05 at 12.00 at the
Labour Centre of Piraeus, 12 Omiridou Skylitsi 12

A few days after the magnificent May Day strike. We honored in the way the working class knows and deserves, our dead who fought before us for better working conditions, against the repression of the then employers and governments. A lot of water has flowed down stream since, but the essence remains the same. Companies like Teleperformance are making millions in profits through our work, the intensification to the point of breaking our nerves, creating psychosomatic symptoms and a host of work-related illnesses. At the same time, at any moment, we are thrown out on the street, without any justification, as part of downsizing.

We salute the thousands who stood up against these practices, once again saying no, against the terror of the employer, the attempt to not record the real participation with time off to “usual suspects”. We are not happy with the breadcrumbs the company gave certain departments to sit quietly. We demand the signing of a Collective Agreement that will secure rights and improve working conditions for ALL our colleagues in EVERY department, regardless of language and subject matter.

From the very first moment of our Union’s operation, we have made every effort to develop a comprehensive dialogue with the company’s HR management on issues related to the Collective Labour Agreement. On issues related to trade union action, but also on issues related to the daily lives of thousands of colleagues. We have held repeated meetings, starting at the end of January, first with the Sectoral union of SETIP, but also with the company Union of SETEP, with the last one in midApril, and since 22/04, the proposal for a Collective Agreement has been sent to them officially. In our last communication on 2 May, where we asked for a response by Friday 10/05. The company replied Happy Easter, see you after the holidays!!

However evasive the management tries be, they know very well that we are many and our power is great. That is exactly what they fear. They are afraid of our organized action, the thousands of fellow striking workers and others who are getting more and more outraged every day with the situation we are experiencing. We have proven that we don’t bend, we can and do stand in the way of their plans, because all they think about is how they can gain more from our labor.

They know that their tricks are counted, we will be here and we will fight until we sign a CBA. No matter what they do our Union, born out of the fire of our long strikes, will be here to remind them that enough is enough in arbitrary! We want our demands met now!

We call to the General Assembly on 19/05 at 12.00 at the Labor Center of Piraeus to decide to escalate our action against this attitude of the employers and to give them the same wishes!

Everyone at the Assembly of the Teleperformance Employees’ Union, Sunday 19/05 at 12.00 at
the Piraeus Labour Centre, 12 Omiridou Skylitsi

Everyone at the Meeting of the Teleperformance Employees’ Union, Sunday 19/05 at 12.00 at theLabour Centre of Piraeus, 12 Omiridou Skylitsi 12

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